nails don't last forever

help me upcycle and save 10%!

how it works


(1) Mail me your used press ons.

(2) I send you a 10% discount code for one future purchase!

(3) I turn the used nails into upcycled art.

the details


The press ons do not have to be ones I made. They can be in any condition.

When you send your nails, please include a post-it or other note with your contact information (email, Instagram handle, cell phone, etc.) so I know where to send your discount code.

You can send the nails in any small envelope. A standard business envelop is great!

  • Mail the nails to:


Solarium Art Studio

2111 San Pablo Ave #2630

Berkeley, CA 94702


How much postage you need depends on how many nails you send. When in doubt, weigh the envelope and check what it costs to mail.

I check my PO Box once a week. Please allow for a week or two before you receive your discount code.

Discount codes are valid for 10% off the total of one future purchase.

why bother?


The world doesn't need more single-use objects. It needs more art you can fall in love with.

Diverting waste from the landfill matters. But I also want to challenge myself to make art worth saving.


"treasure our material possessions, honor where they came from and where they will go..."
- Charles Eisenstein